Film Pathway

To allow students to develop their skill set, not solely as creatives but as academics, we have designed a process that will permit them time to achieve competency in the craft of storytelling: visual, spoken, and written.

Class Structure

Each class is structured to bring in two professionals with different but complementing skill sets: screenwriting, producing, directing, editing to name a few. Each different expertise has at its core the element of storytelling.

Intended to cover a 90 minute class twice a week for 34 weeks, the lesson is a living breathing document that has been designed to align with the ELA/ELD common core, VAPA, and CTE standards in addition to meeting the specific needs of the certified teacher. The film projects are a means to enhance the lessons of the classroom and be completed during class time to develop 21st century skills of both the student and teacher alike.


4th to 12th Grade Pathway

4thBeginner Film5 Scripts/Films (3-5mins), Posters
6thBeginner Film5 Scripts/Films (3-5mins), Posters
7th / 8thHomage to Film3 Scripts/Films (5-7mins), Posters (based on 3 film eras)
9thIntro to Cinematic Arts3 Scripts/Films (7-10Mins), Posters
10thCinema Streaming Series3 Ads, Documentaries, News Broad casts,
3 Streaming TV Series, 3 episodes (3-5min each)
11thCinematic College / Career Prep College & Festival Application Portfolios30 experimental projects (1per student)
12thCinema Senior ThesisStudent Internship and Senior Project
For more information on bringing Creating Creators into your classroom